It’s been 8 years in the making (well not literally 8 years, really only a couple of weeks, but it’s been 8 years since the last site design. But then the work shown covers about 15 years, so perhaps it’s really 15 years in the making. It’s all relative so don’t pay too much attention to how long it’s actually been), but finally here is my updated website. Some of the old links don’t work any more, but it should be easy enough to find what you’re after in the new design. Hopefully my portfolio is easier to navigate, I’ve added a bunch of new stuff that I hadn’t got around to putting up before, and the new look and design will allow me to more easily show you what I’m up to.
Speaking of which, as part of the update I’ve added some new projects that have taken up most of my time over the last few years. I’ve been working with Annix Studios creating kids properties for tv and other media.

I’ve also been developing a few other kids shows that I hope to share with you really soon, along with some new music, and some other stuff too. This blog will be the launch pad for a whole range of things I’ve got planned, so keep checking in and enjoy the show.